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Jam session in wikilandia

Local Names Working

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The site’s user interface is…


I’ve got the site working on my dev system, next step is to put it on Tao. I’ll do that some time during this coming week.

Then I want to improve the user interface “a tad.”

My main problem is segregating the beginner’s stuff, (”here’s how to install a bookmarklet, here’s how to create your firefox shortcut bookmark, here’s how to setup your WordPress blog,”) from the other tasks: linking to a namespace, deleting a name, and changing your namespace’s password.

And one of those, in particular— linking to a namespace- is something I don’t even want to explain to users. I want it to just be something there for people who are relatively expert, and who understand what is going on.

Right now, the interface is so hideous, I don’t even want to think about it.

The temptation is high (and even partially indulged, right now,) to put magic javascript in there to make smart things happen. I’ve got div’s appearing and disappearing right now, as you click on headers to hide or show parts of explanation, user interface. I’m not sure if it’s a feature or a bug, right now.


Well, when you see it, you’ll understand what I’m talking about.

The good news is that it’s done and working right now.

Lion le 08.01.06 à 04:51 dans News / Actualités - Version imprimable
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